This is Gord Snarr's Farm Home page.

Welcome to Gord Snarr's Farm home page.

Current WeatherCam image looking north-east from farm yard

NE view from yard

Red River in background, behind the row of trees to the east.

My Background...

I'm a graduate of the Agriculture Diploma Program at the University of Manitoba.(1995)

Since then I've been mostly full time farming except during the winter and of course flood time! My farm is located just a bit north of Morris, Manitoba; about 25 miles/50 kilometers south of Winnipeg.
The farm is made up of about 1400 acres of farmland, mostly along the west bank of the Red River. We have about a mile of riverfront property within 7 river lots. We also have land west and away from the river adding quite a variety to the farm in soils, crops, etc.
Soil types include Red River clay (gumbo), Ozborne clay (worse gumbo) and Riverdale silty clay (best gumbo located along the Red River). Some of the farm is divided into riverlots as well as the regular section designations. River lots were surveyed when French settlers arrived in the late 1700's to the mid 1800's.
Crops include most cereal grains, oilseeds (mainly flax and canola) occasional pulse crops such as Soybeans, as well as various pedigreed seed crops

If you are heading to the United States from Winnipeg (or vice versa) on highway #75 you will be driving right through the farm!

-Be sure to wave or honk your horn when driving by! :-)

Here's a simple map of the farm and adjacent area

Some Agriculture related business links

What I like to do...

I'm a licensed mechanic in Manitoba and I enjoy working on the usual cars and trucks, as well as larger trucks and farm equipment. I have experience working on most north american vehicles as well as many of the various imports. If you are interested in getting some repairs on your vehicle/equipment give me a call. I'll be glad to help you out!

Latest flood reports from Water Resources

2022 flood pictures (build in process)

2010 flood pictures

2009 flood pictures

1997 flood pictures

2009 flood pictures from low earth orbit

Gord's Weather Links:

Current Weather Conditions

I have installed a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station in the yard to aid with various farming operations, and to make local conditions available to the public via the internet. The data is updated through an application called WeatherDisplay which forwards the data to WeatherUnderground and my server here at If the internet fails locally, data is sent via VHF and HF (10MHz) every 15 minutes, and enters the internet through one of several Amateur Radio APRS Igate systems. (HF broadcast currently off-line) These Igates may be as close as 20km, or as far away as Australia, and transfer the data from the RF network to the public internet.

The graphic below updates every 5 minutes. Click on the link below it for the station generated weather report and more graphs & charts.

Weather software provided by Weather Display

Anemometer just replaced, wind direction/speed should be more accurate now (June 8th)

Weather instrumentation supplied by: Scientific Sales of Lawrenceville NJ

Various charts and graphs from my weather station

2018 precipitation summary (September 2017 - September 2018)

Forcast and Radar links for the Morris area

Conditions & 5 day forcast for Morris

FarmZone forcast from The Weather Network

local weather overlay from Intellicast

Environment Canada's Woodlands radar image

KMVX D88-C 2GHz doppler radar

Prairie and Arctic Storm Prediction Centre (Winnipeg Weather Office) Convective 2-day outlook

AccuWeather Forcast

Manitoba Infrastructure and Technology highway cameras

Joy's house


I am a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (specifically) Winnipeg Centre

Although I am not new to this field of interest, I am looking forward to learning more about it though the RASC members and joining them for Member Nights at the Observatory at Glenlea, monthly meetings, and other events.


M42, The Great Orion Nebula

BL86 Asteroid moving though Taurus

Ham Radio

Propagation Forcast/conditions

I am also involved in Amateur Radio. This is an extremely interesting hobby that involves various modes of communication to basically anywhere in the world. You can generaly hear me checking in on various nets around the province (Manitoba) and surrounding areas. My call is VE4GLS, let me know if you hear me on the air or send me a QSL card (a card telling the time, frequency, mode and signal strength, usually on a glorified post card, sent in the mail). Memberships I hold in this hobby include:

Manitoba Repeater Society

Radio Amateurs of Canada

Sorry had to remove the link to the MRS swap & shop, link changes every time the list is updated...
Me digging out the VE4MAN cabinet at the CBC Starbuck transmitter site (Photo by Ellis, VE4AJO)

I run an APRS station at home and also have a Kenwood D7AG portable radio and GPS for use as a tracker. Click here too see where I am (ve4gls-14) mobile.

My APRS server shows local APRS activity click here for access

My Tractor (combine) Mobile

Where am I today?

Click here if you want to look up a callsign, or are looking for the callsign of a ham who you know.

My Ham Tower & Antennas

NASA Shuttle and ISS Frequencies. The packet radio digi is working very well on the ISS thanks to the flight crew who installed some new antennae and related equipment in and on the Zarya module.

Manitoba Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

Winnipeg ARES

ARES Flood Operation in Southern Manitoba

Manitoba ARES was activated in late April of 1997 to provide backup communications in the many communities in Southern Manitoba. Stations were set up in Emerson, Letellier, Dominion City, St Jean, Morris, Rosenort, St Agathe, Sanford, and St Adolphe. Winnipeg ARES helped out with providing operators for the South Centeral ARES operations as well as providing valuable communications for sandbagging inside the City of Winnipeg.

Here's some info on our Morris ARES station during the flood.

(Some really neat pictures taken in Morris during the flood too!)

CDN Repeater Update

I should be adding stuff as time progresses. Look forward to some interesting links!!

This is a satellite picture of Morris and the area surrounding the town. This one takes a while to download. This image was taken during spring flooding in April 2001; note the areas covered by the swollen Red River!

Puddy's Perch

Paula VE4MHZ's Website:

Currency Exchange Calculator

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Web Hosting Service:


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I can be reached via email at

::alternate (test) weather page

Last updated November 23/2023, schpellng